Sitananda College

Sitananda College

Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b)

Affiliated to Vidyasagar University

NAAC Accredited with B

ISO 9001:2115

Dr. Priyanka Mandal

Designation: Assistant Professor
Vidwan ID: 557535
Fathers Name: Susil Kumar Mandal
Nationality: Indian
Date of Birth: 01st OCT 1983
Material Status: Married
Address: Sitananda College, Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal

Educational Qualification

2002MadhyamikWBBSEFirst Division
2004Higher SecondaryWBCHSEFirst Division
2007B.Sc (Honours) – Anthropology)University Of CalcuttaFirst Class
2009M.Sc (Anthropology)University Of CalcuttaFirst Class
2010SET (Anthropology)The WB College Service Commission
2010NET(with JRF) in AnthropologyUGC
Ph.D. in Prehistoric Archaeology (thesis submitted on15th May 2019, Date of award is 7th October 2021) as a UGC, NET, SRF, in the Department of Archaeology, University of Calcutta, under the Supervision of Dr. Bishnupriya Basak.

Title of the Thesis: Prehistoric Settlement Pattern In the South Koel River, Sundargarh District,North Western Orissa, India

Paper presented in National and International Conferences

Title of the PaperName, Place and Organizing Committee of The Conference
A Preliminary Report of Exploration of Prehistoric sites in South Koel River Basin,OdishaNational Archaeological Seminar
Joint Annual Conference Of
Indian Archaeological Society (IAS)
Indian History And Culture Society (IHCS)
Indian Society For Prehistoric And Quaternary Studies
th To 8th January 2017
Audrey House , Near Governor House , Ranchi, Jharkhand
Organized By
Department of Tourism, Art, Culture, Sports and Youth
Govt. of Jharkhand
In Association With
Heritage Jharkhand
Surface Exploration of the South Koel River Basin, Sundargarh District, North Western Odisha, India6th International Congress of Society of South Asian
Archaeology (SOSAA)
16th-18th March, 2018
Indian Museum Kolkata
Organized By
Indian Museum, Kolkata, Ministry Of Culture, Government Of
In Collaboration With
Society Of South Asian Archaeology (SOSAA)
And All India Digambar Jain Heritage Preservation
Organization, New Delhi
Understanding Microlithic Industry and Prehistoric sites of the South Koel River BasinIndian Social Science and Humanities congress 2018
Samagam 2018
-15th July
Fourth Annual International Conference 2018
Organized By
Paschimbanga Anchalik Itihas o Loksanskriti charcha Kendra
In Collaboration With
Asutosh College,Kolkata
Prehistoric South Koel River Basin: New Perspective on Late Pliestocene Arid to Semiarid Environmental AdaptationWest Bengal Government Sponsored Two-Day National Seminar on
Environmental Degradation: Its Remedies
and Prospects
26th -27th September 2019
Organized by
Sitananda College Nandigram in Collaboration With the Ministry of
Environment, Govt.of WB.
Bidirectional Blade Core: Continuationof Pre pottery Neolithic B Period in Eastern India?EAA 26th Virtual Annual Meeting in Budapest.
Contribution ID:1538
-30th August 2020
Organized by
European Association of Archaeologist
Geoarchaeological Interpretation of the Microlithic Occurrences of South Koel River BasinIndian Anthropology Congress 2021
21st – 23rd February 2021
Organized by
Department of anthropology
University of delhi
Indian national confederation and academy of anthropologists
Lithic Tools from the South Koel river Basin, Sundargarh District, Odisha, Eastern India: A Brief ReappraisalRock and Roll: 13th International Symposium on Knappable
th October 2021
Organized by
The 13th ISKM Organizing Committee
Galudih- A Prehistoric Occupational Site in East SinghbhumInternational Seminar On
Development and Changes: Role of Anthropology and Allied
Organized by
Guwahati Regional Committee of Indian National Confederation &
Academy of Anthropologists (INCAA)
In Collaboration with Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Assam Down Town University

Participation in workshops

Title of the WorkshopOrganizing Committee of the Workshop
The Robert Bruce Foote Memorial Workshop on Prehistory and Lithic Technology (May 30th-June 3rd 2013)Sharma Centre for Heritage Education
Footsteps of Foote (11th-13th September 2013)Indian Museum Kolkata In Collaboration with British Council and Matrix India
Application of Sciences in Archaeology (6th-8th August,2013)Indian Museum Kolkata
National Workshop on Application of Palaeoontology in Archaeological Studies (9th-11th November,2016)Indian Museum Kolkata
International Workshop on Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System in Archaeology (01st -07th December 2017)Department of Archaeology, University of Kerala
Data analysis using SPSS (23rd-27th August 2022)The Indian Anthropological Society

Faculty Induction Programmed:

I have completed a 4-week induction/orientation program conducted by the Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, under the aegis of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education” from 19 June – 18 July, 2021 and obtained Grade A+.

Refresher Course:

I have also participated in the Online Subject Refresher Course on Teacher Education from 23 June to 08 July 2023 organized by the UGC Human Resource Development Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh and obtained Grade- ‘A’.


I am the active member of the Indian Anthropological Society
I am the former member of the European Association of Archaeologist

Recent Publications

  • Mandal. P 2016.Prehistoric Investigation at Bandu and Gandheswari River Basin West Bengal and Samakoi River Basin, Odisha: A Brief Overview, Arnava V (1): 112-127
  • Mandal. P 2017. A Preliminary Report of Exploration of Prehistoric sites in South Koel River Basin,Odisha. Man and Environment XLII(2):35-41.
  • Mandal.P.2018. Understanding Microlithic Industry and Prehistoric sites of the South Koel River Basin. In Pratnadarpan. (Majumdar, S and Pampa Biswas, P. eds) Paschimbanga Anchalik Itihas O Loksanskriti Charcha Kendra, Kolkata, pp.7-20.
  • Mandal.P.(2020). Surface Exploration of the South Koel River Basin, Sundargarh District, North Western Odisha, India. In Cultural Heritage of South Asia and Beyond: Recent Perspective.(Shinde, V, Ganvir, S. and Bhattacharya, S. eds) Society of South Asian Archaeology, Research India Press, Delhi.
  • Mandal.P. (2021). Further Interpretation of the Geological context of Microlithic Occurences from the South Koel river Basin, Kolkata Journal of Asian Studies 7(1): 32-47.
  • Mandal. P. (2022) Galudih: A Prehistoric Occupational Site. Heritage: Journal of
  • Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 9: 1007-1018.

Extra curriculum activity

Dec 2004Conversational EnglishThe British Institutes Kolkata
April 2010Soft Skills for Line AssistantNational Certificate in Modular Employable Skills (Government of India) Ministry of Labour and Employment
Dec 2010Soft Skills for Base Line Staff in Service SectorNational Certificate in Modular Employable Skills (Government of India) Ministry of Labour and Employment
Jan 2010Computer Fundamentals, Ms Office Internet and Soft SkillsNational Certificate in Modular Employable Skills (Government of India) Ministry of Labour and Employment
Dec 2012Interactive Multimedia DevelopmentNational Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, Kolkata (Formerly Doeacc Society, Kolkata Centre) (An Autonomous Body of Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Govt. of India)

Research Interest: Palaeoanthropology, Palaeopathology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Biological Anthropology.
Hobbies/ Interest: Doing Research Work, Publishing Paper, Painting, and Gardening.
Languages Known: English, Hindi and Bengali.
Declaration: I declare that all statement made & particulars given above are true complete & correct to the best of my knowledge & belief.

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