Library Rules
Library Rules
- On presentation of the Identity Card and filling in a Requisition Slip at the Circulation Counter the book may be issued to the borrower.
- The borrower shall examine books before taking them out of the library and shall check that there is no damage, torn pages or marginal notes failing which the borrower shall be liable for the damage.
- The borrower will be responsible for loss or damage of the book(s). Any book(s) lost, damaged, torn out or defaced must be replaced by the borrower.
- No book shall be retained for more than 15 days at a stretch.
- Rare and Reference Books will not be issued for home study. These materials can be consulted inside the library section only.
- Personal belongings should be kept in the Baggage Section before entering brary.
- Assistance/Guidance may be asked from the Library Staff if you are unable to search your required document(s).
- Library members can search documents available at the library with the help of OPAC/Web OPAC services.
- Users can access e-books & e-journals using the computer terminals provided at the Reading Rooms of the library.
- Internet facility can be used by the users available at the library.
- The Identity Card is not transferable.
- Silence should be kept in the Library as well as Reading Rooms also.