Library At A Glance

About Library

Collection: The Central Library has a collection of more than 20000 books and some current journals & Magezines. Some of the collections are treated as Reference Collection for consulting in the library only.
Rare Books Section: The Library is also in possession with some rare books in different disciplines.
Membership: The membership is open to the faculty, students and non-teaching staff of the institution.
Reference Services: The Library has a separate reference collection consisting of fact tools such as encyclopaedias, dictionaries, etc. As general policy reference books are not issued and these are to be consulted in the library only.
Special Collection: The Central Library has a good special collection for consultation.
Carrier Guidance: A collection on Carrier Guidance is also made available in the library.
Library serves as a resource centre and aims to develop a comprehensive collection of books and current journals/magazines as well as e-resources to be useful for students and faculties of the college and to provide the effective services to the user communities relating to dissemination of knowledge and information at the time of their need.
- Separate Library Building.
- To increase Library Collection.
- Increase of Unique Titles.
- Subscription of more current journals in different departments.
- Subscription of more e-books & e-journals in different subjects.
- Requirement of more Computer Terminals.
- Increase of space of the Stack area.
- To increase the sitting capacity of the Reading Rooms.
- Infrastructural development of the library.
- Requirement of more library staff.
- Installation of modern/latest technologies.
- To adopt user friendly approach towards students and faculties.
- To offer comprehensive services relating to dissemination of knowledge and nascent information.
- Requirement of sufficient Library Fund.
- Automated Library Services.
- OPAC/Web OPAC Search Services.
- Internet Facilities.
- Access to e-resources from in-house campus & distance mode.
- Air-Conditioned Reading Room facilities for students & faculties.
- Separate Reading Room with ramp facility for Physically Challenged users.
- Rare & Reference Books/Tools consultation facilities.
- Display of Employment Information.
- Career Guidance Unit.
- Display of New Arrivals.
- Users’ Education Programme.
- Previous Years’ Question Paper Collection.
Library Membership
The membership of the Library is open to all the students, teachers, scholars and non-teaching employees of the college. All categories of members are entitled to borrow books from the library. After taken admission into the college students can receive their Identity Cards (Bar-Coded) from the college office and thus they are entitled to borrow their desired books from the central library and also return the books borrowed from the library on production of their Identity Cards.