Sanjoy Kumar Das | Siksha Bigyan Dishari ( General Course Part-2/ paper -2/paper-3) | 2018 |  |
SK. Jahangir Hossain | Banglar Sufi Pir Abu Bakar er karma sadhana | 2018 |  |
SK. Jahangir Hossain | Phurphura Pir Abu Bakar o Banglai Khilafat Andolan | 2018 |  |
SK. Jahangir Hossain | Banglar prothom ulema songothon Anjuman-e-Awajeen o Krishak somproday | 2019 |  |
Bhaswati Mukhopadhyay | Environment consciousness in early India: A study of nature worship | 2019 |  |
Nilanjana Nayak | Tourism and Environment | 2019 |  |
Susmita Roy Adak | Buddhist concept of ecology | 2019 |  |
Saroj Mandal | Some well known mathematical models of population growth | 2019 |  |
Arup Bera | Status of environmental awraness in secondary school students' perceptions of sustainable developement in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | 2019 |  |
Sandip Kumar Kabi | Literature and environment: Wordsworthian Panthiesm | 2019 |  |
Bigitendriya Debsharma | Traditional knowledge practices by the Savar community | 2019 |  |
SK. Jahangir Hossain | The Vedic Literature & Environmental Awareness | 2019 |  |
Naba Kumar Das | পরিবেশ ও প্রাচীন সাহিত্য় | 2019 |  |
Md. Nurul Amin | সৈয়দ মুস্তাফা সিরাজের ছোট গল্প আঞ্চলিক পরিবেশের স্বরূপ | 2019 |  |
Biswajit Maity | ইকো পোয়েট্টি ও রবীন্দ্রনাথ | 2019 |  |
Nabin Chandra Mahato | পরিবেশমূলক নীতিতত্ব ও তার অঙ্গ হিসাবী লিওপোল্ডের ভূমিনীতিতত্ত্বের দার্শনিক আলোচনা | 2019 |  |
Lakshmi Kanta Dolai | Suniti Kumar Chattaopadhyay: Prosongo Bangla Bhasha | 2019 |  |
Sanjoy Kumar Das | Siksha Bigyan Dishari (CBCS- Sem II General and Generic) | 2019 |  |
Sanjoy Kumar Das and Dipankar Das | Siksha Bigyan Dishari (CBCS- Sem III General and Generic) | 2019 |  |
Gopal Chandra Ghosh | Suniti Kumar er "Jibon katha": Ekti porjalochona | 2019 |  |
SK. Jahangir Hossain | Environmental Awareness in the Mehergarh-Harappa and Vedic Civilization of Ancient India ( from 7000 BCE to 600 BCE ) | 2020 |  |
Sanjoy Kumar Das | Siksha Bigyan Dishari (CBCS- Sem IV General and Generic) | 2020 |  |
Biswarup Mondal | The ground state comparetive proton affinities and associated parameters of conjugated alpha, beta- unsaturated carbonyl compounds in gas and aqueous phase: A DFT study | 2020 |  |
Naba Kumar Das | Mahabharata in the context of present perspective | 2020 |  |
Naba Kumar Das | Significance of Sanskrit Literature in Preservation of Human Life | 2020 |  |
Priyanka Mondal | Surface Exploration of the South Koel River Basin, Sundargarh | 2020 |  |
Bhaswati Mukhopadhyay | The Image of Vasudeva Krishna in Peninsular Thailand: An Evaluation of India-Siam Cultural Relation in Early Centuries of the Common Era | 2020 |  |
Krishnagopal Adhikari | The Conception of Liberation in Patanjala Yoga-System | 2021 |  |
Bhaswati Mukhopadhyay | Swami Vivekananda's Visions on Women Empowerment in Modern India: A Reappraisal | 2021 |  |
Banamali Mal | সুবিমল মিশ্রের গল্প : সৌখিন মজদুরি নয় | 2021 |  |
Pintu Raul | Samjnaparibhashaprakaran | 2021 |  |
Samu Mahali | Environmental Pollution | 2021 |  |
Samu Mahali | Environmental Studies | 2021 |  |
Samu Mahali | Regional planning and development of Jharkhand | 2021 |  |
Biswarup Mondal | Ground state Lithium Cation affinities (LCA) and associate parameter of a series of alpha,beta- unsaturated carbonyl compounds of type-2 alkene chemical class (ACL, HNE, MVK, ACR, MA and
EMA ): A Comparative DFT based computational study in both
gas and aqueous phase | 2022 |  |
Sarita Singh | Empowerment of Tribal Women: Problems, Possibilities and Policy Perspectives | 2022 |  |