Sitananda College

Sitananda College

Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b)

Affiliated to Vidyasagar University

NAAC Accredited with B

ISO 9001:2115

Dr. Bigitendriya Debsharma (HOD)

Designation: Assistant Professor (HOD)
Vidwan id: 558013
Date of joining: 03/11/2016
Educational Qualification: M.Sc. Ph.D.
Specialization: Physical Anthropology
Area of Interest: Fieldwork & Research
Teaching Experience: More than 8 Yrs.
Research Experience: More than 5 Yrs.
Language Known: Bengali, English, Hindi
Awarded (Ph.D.): Title of thesis- “Socio-economic conditions and Health profiles of the elderly population in a Municipal Town: A study in Nadia District, West Bengal, India”.

Academic Activities

  • Participated in UGC sponsored refresher course in ‘Recent Advances in Anthropology– 2022’ Organized by UGC-Human Resource Development, Manipur University, Canchipur. (Online mode).
  • Participated in UGC sponsored inter/multi-disciplinary refresher course in ‘RESEARCH METHODOLOGY’ (RC) from 02/09/2020 to 15/09/2020. Organized by UGC, HRDC, Ranchi University, Ranchi (2020-2021 Online course).
  • Participated ICSSR-ERC sponsored Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Modern Methods of Teaching and Advanced Research Methods” from 4th November to 8th Novemer 2019, organized by Geography Department, at Bhatter College, Dantan, Paschim Medinipur, W.B.
  • Participated Orientation Programme (OP) from 8th July to 27th July 2019, organized by UGC, HRDC, Guru Ghasidas Central University, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh.
  • Conducted State level Seminar as Convener of the Seminar in the Dept. of Anthropology, Sitananda College, in 2017-2018 session.
  • Act as Supervisor for the University Examination held at the Sitananda College Centre.
  • Performed invited academic ecture in the Department of Anthropology, Government General Degree College, Keshiary, PaschimMedinipur on “Human Evolution”.

List Of Paper Publications

Title of PaperJournalPublished byISSNYear
Taposhili Upojati Adhusito Hapaniya Gramer Artho-Samajik abasthar barnana: Ekti Nritatik Pratibedan.Ebong Mahua (Bengali Language, Literature, Research and Referred with Peer-Review Journal) UGC Care List-I (2021), 23rd Year, Volume -136(A) July, 2021. Pp. 109-114.K.K.Prakashan, Golekuachawk, Midnapore-721101, W.B.2021
Living Arrangement Pattern of Elderly in a Municipal Town of Nadia district, West Bengal.Shodh Sanchar Bulletin UGC Approved Care Listed Journal Govt. of India RNI No.-UPBIL/2015/62096 ISSN: 2229-3620, Vol.11, Issue. 41,Pp.155-159, March, 2021.Sanchar Educational & Research Foundation, Lucknow (U.P.) India.ISSN: 2229-36202021
Assessment of Nutritional Status among the Elderly Male and Female living in a Municipal town, West Bengal, India.Shodh Sanchar Bulletin UGC Approved Care Listed Journal Govt. of India RNI No.-UPBIL/2015/62096 ISSN: 2229-3620, Vol.10, Issue. 40 Pp.171-176, October, 2020.Sanchar Educational & Research Foundation, Lucknow (U.P.) India.ISSN: 2229-36202020
Socio-Eonomic and Cultural Aspects among the Villagers of Phulbari: A Village Study.JIGYASA, (An Interdisciplinary Peer Reviewed Referred Research Journal). UGC Approved Journal No. 40957, ISSN:0974-7648, Vol. 12, No. II, March, 2019.
Pp. 249-1258.
Poddar Foundation, Taranagar Colony, Chhittupur, BHU, Varanasi.ISSN:0974-76482019
Socio-Eonomic and Cultural Aspects among the Villagers of Phulbari: A Village Study.JIGYASA, (An Interdisciplinary Peer Reviewed Referred Research Journal). UGC Approved Journal No. 40957, ISSN:0974-7648, Vol. 12, No. II, March, 2019.
Pp. 249-1258.
Poddar Foundation, Taranagar Colony, Chhittupur, BHU, Varanasi.ISSN:0974-76482019
Traditional knowledge practices by the Savar CommunityJIGYASA, (An Interdisciplinary Peer Reviewed Referred Research Journal). UGC Approved Journal No. 40957, ISSN:0974-7648, Vol. 12, No. II, March, 2019.
Pp. 249-1258.
Partha Sarathi Mitra of M.M. Publication, S.P. Road, Kolkata-700002, W.B.ISBN:978-81-939370-1-3.2019
Health status of the oldest old people of a Municipal townThe Asian Man, International Journal ISSN:0975-6884 (Online), Volume 10, Issue 1, January-June 2016ISSN:0975-6884 (Online)2016
Sexual Dimorphism in Anthropometric Characteristics and Nutritional Status of the adult Mech Tribes in Darjeeling DistrictBulletin of the Cultural Research Institute Vol. XXIV, Nos. 1 & 2, 2015.Cultural Research InstituteNA2015
Nutritional Status of the Elderly Female in a Municipal Town of West BengalInternational Journal of Current Research and Review (IJCRR), ISSN: 0975-5241 (Online), Volume 5 Issue 16International JournalISSN: 0975-5241 (Online)2013
Evaluation of Nutritional Status among the adult Female Munda and Oraon: A Comparison”.Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, Online ISSN: 2320-5083, Volume 1 Issue 8International JournalISSN: 2320-50832013
Prevalence of malnutrition among adult male Munda and Oraon of paschim medinipur West Bengal IndiaAsian Academic Research Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 2278-859X Volume-1, Issue-14 (Online)International Journal2278-859X2013
Evaluation of Nutritional Status among the adult Female Munda and Oraon: A Comparison”.Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, Online ISSN: 2320-5083, Volume 1 Issue 8International JournalISSN: 2320-5083(Online)2013
Nutritional Status of the Elderly Female in a Municipal Town of West BengalInternational Journal of Current Research and Review (IJCRR), ISSN: 0975-5241 (Online), Volume 5 Issue 16International JournalISSN: 2320-5083(Online)2013
Is body adiposity index a good measure of nutritional status? A study among two adult tribal populations of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India.Science Journal of Sociology & Anthropology ISSN- 2276-6359International JournalISSN: 2320-5083(Online)2011

Research Experience

Name of Institution/ OfficeFull time/ Part timeParticulars in fullFrom (Date)To (Date)
Cultural Research Institute, Govt. of W.B.Full time (3Yrs 6 Mo)Worked as a Research Investigator in Cultural Research Institute20.03.201302.11.2016
Cultural Research Institute, Govt. of W.B.Full timeUGC Rajiv Gandhi National Junior Research Fellowship (RGNJRF)07.06.201219.03.2013
Department of Anthropolgy, V.UFull timeUGC Research Fellowships in Sciences for Meritorious Students (RFSMS)05.10.201019.03.2013
SPAR (Society for Participatory Action and Reflection)Full timeSocio-Economic investigation and Survey in the Tribal area under Ghatsila Project, Ghatsila, Jharkhand.02.11.200930.09.2010

Paper Presentation In Seminar

Name of the SeminarOrganized byType(National/ International) with YearTitle Of The Paper Presented
Tribal Health in Central India: Issues & ChallengesSchool of studies in Anthropology & Tribal studies Bastar Viswavidyalaya, Jagdalpur, Dist:Bastar, ChhattisgarhNational 2011Nutritional Profile of Adult Male Munda and Oraon Tribals of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal
Human Resource Development: An Insight of the Physical and Social SciencesDepartment of Anthropology, Mahishadal Girls’ College, Mahishadal, Purba Medinipur, West BengalNational 2012Nutritional assessment of adult male Munda and Oraon tribals of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India
Identities in the Globalized WorldDepartment of Anthropology, University of Lucknow, in Collaboration with: Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society, Indian Academy of Anthropological Research and Training at Lucknow UniversityNational 2012Nutritional status of Elderly male of Chakdaha Municipal town, West Bengal, India
Indian Anthropology Congress:2017 Shaping New India: Role of Anthropology and AnthropologistDepartment of Anthropology Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, W.B.National 2017Evaluation of Nutritional Status of Elderly female in a Municipal town of West Bengal.
Two Days National Seminar on Environmental Degradation: Its Remedies & Prospects.Sitananda College, Nandigram, Purba Medinipur. Sponsored by the Ministry of Environment, Govt. of West Bengal.National 2019Traditional knowledge practices by the Savar Community

Workshop Participation

Name of the WorkshopOrganized byType (National/ International) & DurationYearType of Participation
Research MethodologyVidyasagar University, Midnapore, W.B.National 14 Days2015Actively Participated
Research Methodology & SPSSSibsagar College, Joysagar, AssamNational 06 Days2011Actively Participated
Approaching Development: Theory and practiceDepartment of Anthropology, Vidyasagar UniversityNational 02 Days2007Participant
Empowerment of Women through Science and Technology1. Vidyasagar University
2. National Institute of Science Technology and
National 02 Days2008Participant
Quality Improvement in Teaching and Development of Curricula in Anthropology at the Undergraduate LevelDepartment of Anthropology, Vidyasagar UniversityNational 03 Days2012Participant
Anthropologists and Film Makers View SikkimDepartment of Anthropology, Vidyasagar UniversityNational 02 Days2012Participant
5th Science Conclave / INSPIRE Internship Program” A Congregation of Nobel Laureates and Eminent ScientistsIndian Institute of Information Technology AllahabadNational 07 Days2012Participant
Historicizing Sub-regional co-operation in South Asia: Society Culture and Politics in Bangladesh and Eastern IndianVidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, IndiaInternational 03 Days2012Participant
Research Ethics for Young Researchers” and “The Physical Growth of Children and Youth. Does SES Matter?”Vidyasagar University Research Scholars Association, Vidyasagar UniversityNational 01 Days2011Participant

Professional Membership: Life Member Of Indian National Confederation And Academy Of Anthropologists (INCAA).

Fellowship Awards

  • Received Research Fellowship in Sciences for Meritorious Students (RFSMS) of UGC in the year 2010.
  • Received Rajiv Gandhi National Junior Research Fellowship (RGNJRF) of UGC funded by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and Ministry of Tribal Affairs in the year 2011-2013.
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