Sitananda College

Sitananda College

Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b)

Affiliated to Vidyasagar University

NAAC Accredited with B

ISO 9001:2115

Dr. Samu Mahali (Principal)

Date Of Birth (Day-Month-Year): 06-01-1965
Mobile Number: 9434015938/ 9382313358
Correspondence Address: Address Line 1:At – Sherpur Telengabar, PO & PS- Contai, Dist.- Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, Pin – 721401
City Name: Contai
State Name: West Bengal
District Name: Purba Medinipur
Pin Code: 721401
Present Position:
Designation: Principal
Organization: Sitananda College, Nandigram
Pay Scale: 144200 – 218200
Date of appointment to the present post: 29-08-2018
Total Experience ( In Years and Months ): 28 Yrs.

Details of experience possessed as per eligibility criteria:

Sl No.Post heldPay scaleOrganizationNature of dutiesExperience (In Years and Months)
1Associate Professor131400-210800Khejuri CollegePermanent17Yrs 08 Months
2Principal144200-218200Sitananda CollegePermanent07 yrs

Educational Qualification (in chronological order from latest to oldest):

Sl No.QualificationUniversityYearSubject(s)/Topic(s)%
Distinctions Etc
1.Ph. D.Ranchi University2015Social ScienceAwardedImpact on
2.M.A.Ranchi University1993Geography65Urban And Planning
3.B. A.Ranchi University1990Geography64Urban And Planning
4.H.S.B. S. E. Through
Ranchi University
1984Eng,Geo,Hindi,Economics, Science, Math, Civics, History, Sanskrit62Geo.

Administrative Experience/Post(s) & responsibilities held:

#Post HoldOrganization / UniversityDuration FROM(Date)Duration TO (Date)Experience
(In Years and Months)
1.G.B. MemberKhejuri College04-01-200128-08-201817 y, 7 m
2.BursarKhejuri College15-03-201428-08-20184 y, 5 m
3.N.S.S. Programme OfficerKhejuri College02-01-200331-12-201411 y, 11 m
4.U.G.C. Finance
Committee Member of
P.K. College , Contain
P.K. College01-03-201531-03-20183 yrs
5.Principal   Sitananda College, Nandigram29-08-2018Till Date7 yrs

Academic/Research/Teaching Experience & responsibilities (in chronological order from latest to oldest):

#PostOrganization / UniversityDurationDurationExperience
(In Years and Months)
FROM (Date) TO (Date)
1.Lecturer in GeographySt. Xavier’
s College, Ranchi
03-01-199703-01-20014 Yrs
2.Associate ProfessorKhejuri College04-01-200128-08-201817 y, 8m
3.PrincipalSitananda College29-08-2018Till Date7 years
4.Research GuideVidyasagar University11-08-201524-02-20237 y, 6 m
5.AIMA Life Member, Life Member of Santhal
University, Ghatshila And Land Donor of Santhal
University, Ghatshila
Santhal University, Ghatshila02-10-201624-02-20236 y, 4 m
6.Acting Vice ChancellorSantal University, Ghatshila01-01-201831-12-20214 Yrs.

Participation and contribution in relevant areas in higher education:

#OrganizationArea of specialization
1Resource PersonBurdwan UniversityUrbanization and its impact on social environment
2Resource PersonRanchi UniversityImpact of urbanization on Tribal people of Jharkhand And western part of West Bengal
Santhal UniversityTribal Studies
4Others ( Specify)Santhal University &    AIMASocial Service among the tribal people of below poverty level

Involvement with formulation of academic programmes:

#Nomenclature of Innovative Academic Programmes formulatedDate of approval by Academic CouncilYear of Introduction
1.Research Programme08-08-20162016
2.Member of Board of Studies in V. U.02-04-20142014
3.Member of board of studies in Santhal University02-10-20162016
4.Member of Research Board, Ranchi University02-07-20162016
5.Chairperson of Board of Studies of P.G. Committee, V U.29-08-20182018
6.Reviewer of National And International Journal04-07-20182018
7.Books Publisher, Editors And Books Writer02-01-20012001

Important MoUs formulated for academic/research collaborations:

#  MoUs FormulatedName of Agencies /DepartmentsYear of MoU
1.MoUs for All type of Academic And Research activitiesGangadhar Mugberia Mahavidyalay, V.U2021
2.MoUs for All Type Of Academic And Research ActivitiesSwarnamoyee J. Mahavidyalay, V.U.2021
3.MoUs for All Type of Academic And Research ActivitiesSanthal University, Ghatshila2016
4.MoUs for All Type of Academic And Research ActivitiesP.K. College, Contai,V.U.2016

Position of Chairs (held):

#Name of ChairName of Agencies /    Departments involvedPeriod of holding the chair
1.BursarKhejuri College05 Yrs
2.Associate ProfessorKhejuri College17Yrs
3.N.S.S. Programme OfficerKhejuri College12Yrs
4.PrincipalSitananda College06Yrs
5.Member of BOSVidyasagar University09 Yrs
6.Member of Governing BodyKhejuri College20 Yrs
7.Member of Research CommitteeVidyasagar University07 Yrs

International academic Exposure:

#Post / AssignmentOrganisation / UniversityArea of AssignmentDurationDuration(In Years and Months)
FROM (Date)TO (Date)
1EditorJournals And Books

Journals And Books01-07-201401-07-20148 y, 7 m

Scholarly achievements:
 Contribution to Journals and Books:

#Contribution to Journals and BooksDetails
1.Books authored1. Social and Cultural Geography, 2014
2. Population Growth, 2013 
3. Bir Hor (in     Hindi), 2003
4. Major Ethnic Group of India, 2016
5. Regional Planning, 2017
6. Janasankhya Bhugol in Bengali,2016
7. Regional Geography,2016
8. An Introduction to Settlement Geography,2017
9. Environmental Studies, 2022
10. Regional planning and development of Jharkhand
11. Environmental Pollution
2.Peer reviewer for1. Sustainable Dev. and Impact of Globalization, 2.Impact of Govt. Policies on Tribal Agriculture, 3. Impact of Globalization on Tribal Land Use ,4.Impact of Urbanization on Hor People ,5.Impact of Copper Mines on Tribal Land at
Musaboni, East Singhbhum, 6.Development and Impact on Tribes,7. Impact of Urbanization on the Society of Primitives Tribes,8. Impact of Real Employment of Women in the Society,9. Mahila Swayam Sachyata, 10.Conflicting and
Converging Social Issues of Tribes, 11. Impact of Industrial Wastage,12. Land Utilization in Pandra Road Ranchi
3.Others ( Specify)Members of BOS And Research Committee of V.U


Sl.NoTITLESole Authorship/EditedName of the PublisherYear of Publication
1.Social and cultural geographySole AuthorACB Pub. Kolkata ISBN:81-85500-61-1-(PB),National2014
2Population GrowthSole AuthorNational,ISBN,:978-81-925349-0-92013
3.Bir Hor(in Hindi)Sole AuthorISBN:1564-01-940-022003
4.Major Ethnic Group of IndiaSole AuthorISBN:987-81-935313-6-52016
5.Regional PlanningSole AuthorISBN:978-81-935313-5-82017
6.Janasankhya Bhugol ( in Bengali)Sole AuthorISBN:978-81-935313-4-12016
7.Regional GeographySole AuthorISBN:978-81-935313-3-42014
8.An Introduction to Settlement GeographySole AuthorISBN:978-81-935313-7-22017
9.Environmental StudiesSole AuthorISBN:978-93-94449-54-12022
10.Regional planning and development of JharkhandSole AuthorISBN:978-93-94449-99-22021
11.Environmental PollutionSole AuthorISBN:978-93-94449-30-52021

Publication: (Journals)

#DateTitleName of JournalRefereed journal or notImpact factor of Journals (If available)Number of Citations (where possible)
1.25-07-2016Sustainable Dev. and Impact of GlobalizationIJMDRR, EISSN 2395-1885, ISSN 2395- 1877,Vol.-1-2016RefereedYes25
2.30-09-2017Impact of Govt. Policies on TribalIJMDRR, EISSN 2395-1885,RefereedYes25
3.30-09-2017Impact of Globalization on Tribal Land UseIJMDRR, EISSN 2349-6746, ISSN 2349-6738, vol-1RefereedYes25
4.10-10-2017Impact of Urbanization on Hor PeopleJIAATS, ISSN 2208-2425,Vol-3,RefereedYes25
5.15-10-2017Impact of Copper Mines on Tribal Land at Musaboni, East SinghbhumEPH, ISSN 2208-2174,Vol-2, Issue-10RefereedYes25
6.12-07-2018Development and Impact on TribesURDO,ISSN 2455-7668RefereedYes25
7.05-01-2013Impact of Real Employment of Women in the SocietyAnusandhanica, ISSN 0974-200xRefereedYes10
8.10-07-2012Impact of Real Employment of Women in the SocietyAnusandhanica ISSN 0974- 200xyRefereedYes10
9.15-04-2008Mahila Swayam SachyataEducational Waves, ISSN 0975-8771RefereedYes10
10.02-06-2013Conflicting and Converging Social Issues of TribesEducational Waves, ISSN 0975-8771ARefereedYes10
Impact of Industrial WastageNational,ISSN 0975 -8778RefereedYes10
Land Utilization in Pandra Road RanchiNational,ISSN 0975 -8779aRefereedYes10

Participation and scholarly presentations in conferences:

#DateTitle of Conference or InstitutionTitle/Subject of presentation 
1.16-03-2002Egra CollegeAwareness of the Teachers…
2.24-01-2003Egra CollegeMarine Resources…
3.24-09-2005Medinipur CollegeMovement against displacement..
4.13-03-2007Bajkul Milani MahavidyalayTsunami Related…
5.17-04-2007Raja N.L. Khan CollegePlate Motion.
6.10-12-2007Y.S. College PalparaGlobal Warming…
7.15-11-2008Malda CollegeHigher Education…
8.01-10-2010Coochbehar CollegeRecent Trends..
9.02-10-10Coochbehar CollegeRecent Trends..
10.16-03-2012Medinipur CollegeSystem Of Government Planning..
11.27-03-2007Vidyasagar UniversityWorkshop on Syllabus
12.30-03-2007Vidyasagar UniversityWorkshop on Syllabus
13.24-02-2010Vidyasagar UniversityImpact of Population Growth
14.22-12-2011Khejuri CollegePopulation Growth
15.23-03-2012Medinipur CollegeImpact of Population Growth
16.25-02-2015Egra CollegeImpact Of Copper Mines
17.28-03-2015Bajkul Milani MahavidyalayFundaments of Practical in Geography
18.18-01-2016Bajkul Milani MahavidyalayNature And Development
19.13-01-2010Bajkul Milani MahavidyalayBiodiversity
20.24-01-2011Vidyasagar UniversityInspiring Society…
21.16-03-2012Khejuri CollegeBiodiversity And Conservation
22.26-09-2019Sitananda CollegeEnvironmental Degradation…
23.27-09-2019Sitananda CollegeEnvironmental Degradation..
24.16-02-2023Mugberia CollegeNAAC Revised Schedule..
25.17-02-2023Mugberia CollegeNAAC Revised Schedule..
26.27-02-2020Jadavpur UniversityTribal Development..


#DateTitle of Conference or InstitutionTitle/Subject of presentation 
1.08-03-2010Burdwan UniversityConflicting And Converging..
2.09-03-2010Burdwan UniversityConflicting And Converging…
3.14-02-2017Vidyasagar UniversityImpact of Hor People..
4.15-02-2017Vidyasagar UniversityImpact of Hor People..

Participation and contribution in National/ International Fora in the area of academic/research and professional expertise:

#ParticipationNumber (s)(International)Number (s)(National)
1.Examiner ship etc.0080

Research Projects:

#Sponsoring Organization’s NameNature Of ProjectType of Participation (PI/Co PI)Duration Of Project Amount Of Grant    (Rupees)
1.Bharatiya Adim Jati Sevak Sangha, New Delhi, Govt Of IndiaMajor ProjectPI2014-201712200000/-

Consulting experience:

#Sponsoring Organisation’
s name
Nature of assignmentDuration of assignment
1.Santhal University, GhatshilaAcademic Development of University10 Yrs.

Honours/ Awards & Fellowships for Outstanding Work:

#Name of Award / Fellowship etc
Elected / Honorary Fellow
Awarded byYear of Award
1.Best Teacher Award of JharkhandElectedAIMA2015
2.Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar Best Education Excellence AwardHonoraryHealth Vision Charity And Govt. Of West Bengal2021

No. of Research Scholars successfully guided:

#Name of ProgrammeAwarded (No.)     
1.Ph.D. Research Programme04

Strengths :

I, Dr. Samu Mahali, Principal Professor have done Ph. D work in Environment and Urban Geography, with the assistance of Ranchi University, Ranchi. I have over twenty eight years of Teaching and Research experience in the area of Environment and urban Geography in Jharkhand, Odisha and west Bengal. My contribution in social Geography, Population and Urban Geography is highly appreciated in national and international seminar and my major project done onEnvironment and Tribes is also appreciated in several aspects. I have been awarded as the best young teacher in 2009 on the occasion of silver jubilee celebration of Tribes at Jamshedpur in Jharkhand. I have written over fifteen books, fiftyresearch papers in national journals and published about forty five popular articles on various aspects of Environment and Urban related regional and national journals and news papers. I have worked on many NGOs and Environmental Welfare project of the Government. At present I am teaching and Research guide as a Principal Professor in Sitananda College, Nandigram under the Vidyasagar University W.B.. At present I hold the chair of Principal and am teaching as the Professor in the Department of Geography as well as acting as the Research Guide at Sitananda College, Nandigram, Dist.- Purba Medinipur W.B., Pin-721631 under VidyasagarUniversity, West Bengal, India.

My Vision for the College:

On the basis of the statement act locally and think globally I have to place the college as national and international figure in the field of research , education, involvement of local people for the upliftment in different aspect like social work for the academically, economically, socially, culture and organic farming. Funding from different sources other than the Government may be attracting on the basis of following plans and activities-On the basis of thestatement act locally and think globally I have to place the college as national and international figure in the field of research , education, involvement of local people for the upliftment in different aspect like social work for the academically, economically, socially, culture and organic farming. Funding from different sources other than the Government may be attracting on the basis of following plans and activities-

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