Sitananda College

Sitananda College

Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b)

Affiliated to Vidyasagar University

NAAC Accredited with B

ISO 9001:2115

Miss Arpita Dey

Designation: State Aided College Teacher (SACT)
Qualification: M.Sc., B.Ed.
Name:Arpita Dey
Father Name:Maniklal Dey
Mother Name:Bani Dey
Address (permanent Residence):VILL+ P.O.- Boyal, P.S.- Nandigram, DIST.- Purba Medinipur, PIN-721656, West Bengal
Phone No:7908280230
Date of Birth:02.04.1995
Area of Specialization:Medical Nutrition Therapy
Language:Bengali, Hindi and English
Vidwan- ID:557487

Academic Qualification:

ExamBoard/ExamSubjectYearDivision/Grade Merit etc
MadhyamikW.B.B.S.E.Beng, Eng, Hist, Math, Geo, L.Sc., P.Sc.,20101st  
Higher SecondaryW.B.C.H.S.E.Beng, Eng, Nut, Geo, Bio, Chem20121st  
Bachelor’s DegreeVIDYASAGAR UNIVERSITYNutrition (Hons), Zoology, Physiology,20151st  
Master’s DegreeVIDYASAGAR UNIVERSITYNutrition and dietetics20171st  
B.Ed.WBUTTEPAEducation in India, Tech. of Teaching, Methodology of Teaching, Teachers’ Functions, Yoga Education, Computer Education etc.20191st  
NETUGCHome science2020Qualified

 Seminars, Conferences, Symposia Workshops, Refreshers course, Orientation program etc, attended:

Name of the Seminar/Conference/Symposia Workshop, OP, RC etc.Name of the Sponsoring AgencyDate
Soil management by Vermicompost and its Utility in Sustainable AgricultureSitananda College18.08.2022
The Future of Nutrition ResearchBelda College03.02.2023-04.02.2023
Food components and Community health and Research Initiation in Undergraduate LevelRaja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College13.08.2023

 Teaching Experience :

Courses TaughtName of the University/College/InstitutionDuration
U.G (GEN, CBCS, NEP-2020)Sitananda College, Nandigram, Purba MedinipurFrom 08.08.2017 to till today

Total Teaching Experience:7 Years
Under-graduate (Pass):7 Years
Extension Work/Community service:Different kind of community activity such as nutritional assessment, knowledge of dietary guidelines of different disease, women empowerment, awareness relation of health,
Life Member:Life member of Nurture Academy welfare trust

Any other information

1.Hand book of community nutrition and public awarenessNurture Academy welfare trust and Taurean Publications, ISBN:978-81-964718-3-5
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