Rules & Regulation
Rules & Regulation
- All the students are required to come to the college decently attired.
- A student admitted into one subject may change to any other subject within one month from the date of commencement of classes with an application in writing to the Principal in prescribed proforma to be collected from the college office
- All the students must observe the college notice board/college website everyday and comply, failing which the college authority will not be responsible for any inconvenience faced by them.
- Their conduct should be disciplined and dignified within and outside the college premises. They are prohibited from doing anything which will hinder the normal activities of the college.
- Students must be punctual and regular in attending classes.
- The name of a student will be struck off from the roll if he/she does not attend the classes within 10 days from the commencement of classes.
- The student will be declared non-collegiate if they fail to attend at least 75% of the total classes in each subject and will be declared dis-collegiate if they fail to attend at least 75% of total classes held per subject during the semester. In such cases they will not be allowed to sit for the final examination.
- They must have a college Identity Card, which they must carry with them within the college premises and outside.

- All the students must keep the college premises clean and maintain sanctity of the college.
- In matters not mentioned above, the decision of the Principal or the college authority shall be final and binding on all the students.
- Students shall take proper care of the college furniture and other properties.
- All the students, by the very fact of being admitted in the college, are obliged to follow all rules, regulations and traditions laid down by the college authority.
- Usage of Gutka/Panmasala and any such objects and spitting in and around the premises is strictly prohibited.
- The misuse of cell phone is strictly prohibited within the college campus.
- No student is not allowed to use the college telephone, although the incoming messages may be delivered to them in emergency cases.
- Any student will be liable to disciplinary action for violation of any rules as provided under the rules of discipline of the college.
- All the student and their guardians will have to sign affidavit relating to curbing the menace of ragging.
- Students must take care of the college premises, college properties, medicinal and other plants within the Campus. Violation of the scenery or damage to any plant is strictly prohibited.